
Hannah's SurpriseTonight’s SNL 40th Anniversary sent my DVR into haywire mode. Its first victim was Girls, which recorded a couple of hours later…on HBO Latino. Yeah. I don’t speak Spanish. But you know what? Not being able to understand a single word other than “si” or “pequeño” makes the show almost tolerable. And way easier to recap. Here goes nada:

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Girls Is Back And Mediocre Than Ever

Hannah's Horrible Shirt

Golden Globe loser and human rumpus room Lena Dunham is back with her fourth season of Girls. The theme of this season is brought to us by Frank Sinatra:

If I can make it there, I’m gonna make it anywhere.
And if I can’t, I’ll just go to grad school. Continue reading

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New TV Shows To Read In 2014

recap schedule

If you thought that I stopped watching television, you’d be wrong. So wrong. It’s just that there’s nothing new to watch. So for the past couple of weeks I’ve been gobbling up the first three seasons of Downton Abbey, and I am nearly through the first season of American Horror Story. And with every new year comes a new season of television, ripe for recapping. So starting in January, there’ll be all new recaps: Continue reading

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Girls Episode 8: You’re Fine, You’re Fine, You’re Fine

Girls Episode 8: You’re Fine, You’re Fine, You’re Fine


Reprinted with permission from

Adam? I thought we were rid of him. But I suppose there’s never any getting rid of someone like Adam. He’s like a MySpace page, or herpes. And he just drank what I’m pretty sure is his own urine.   Continue reading

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Girls Episode 2: Love Triangles And Sex Hexagons

Girls Episode 2: Love Triangles And Sex Hexagons

Reprinted with permission from

Where were we? Right. Hannah’s gay-best-friend-turned-roommate, Elijah, had very brief and unpleasant sex with Hannah’s former-best-friend-and-former-roommate, Marnie. And for some reason, Elijah’s boyfriend, George, is pissed. Elijah, however, doesn’t understand why his little foray into ladybits doesn’t sit well with George. Meanwhile, Hannah is in her bedroom exercising in an outfit that nobody should own. Continue reading

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