The Real World Homecoming: What Happens When People Start Getting Real…Old

I never thought The Real World would bring me back from a multi-year writing hiatus, and then someone decided to do a reboot of the first season so (dusts off the recapping machine) here we go! And apologies for no pretty pictures, I can’t get this thing to work properly. Shuddup, you’re lucky I even remembered my login. 

Seven strangers picked to live in a loft on Prince and Broadway back in nineteen freaking ninety two which is (math, math, carry the one) twenty-nine years ago. The show has been credited as the very first reality television show even though it was like the second or third, but since it was the first one that people watched (the others were on PBS or something) it gets the crown. And it spawned a whole new genre of entertainment that, if you think about it, is pretty much responsible for the entire Trump presidency. But you take the good, you take the bad, you take ‘em both and there you have…the wrong theme song stuck in your head. Ugh. Continue reading

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Bringing All The Feels To Winterfell


Welcome back to The Soap Opera Before The Storm! Below are a few observations about some of our favorite characters in what is looking like their final moments of life. It all begins with Bran sitting in his wheelchair in the snow, staring at a tree like an unpublished Edward Gorey book. All this absurdist tableau needs is a deep, meaningful conversation with a dwarf…. Continue reading

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New TV Shows To Read In 2014

recap schedule

If you thought that I stopped watching television, you’d be wrong. So wrong. It’s just that there’s nothing new to watch. So for the past couple of weeks I’ve been gobbling up the first three seasons of Downton Abbey, and I am nearly through the first season of American Horror Story. And with every new year comes a new season of television, ripe for recapping. So starting in January, there’ll be all new recaps: Continue reading

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The Amazing Race Season 22 Episode 5: The Dreaded Double U-Turn

The Amazing Race Season 22 Episode 5: The Dreaded Double U-Turn

Reprinted with permission from

The teams start out this leg of the race in Bali, Indonesia. The Photo That Came With Your Picture Frame leave at 5:01 a.m. and must fly to Hanoi, Vietnam and proceed to the Rap Cong Nhan Theater to find their next clue inside Gallery 42. They have sort of agreed to be eliminated in Vietnam since Dan’s doctor advised him to have surgery on his ankle within seven days, but you never know what’s going to happen in the race. Continue reading

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