I never thought The Real World would bring me back from a multi-year writing hiatus, and then someone decided to do a reboot of the first season so (dusts off the recapping machine) here we go! And apologies for no pretty pictures, I can’t get this thing to work properly. Shuddup, you’re lucky I even remembered my login.
Seven strangers picked to live in a loft on Prince and Broadway back in nineteen freaking ninety two which is (math, math, carry the one) twenty-nine years ago. The show has been credited as the very first reality television show even though it was like the second or third, but since it was the first one that people watched (the others were on PBS or something) it gets the crown. And it spawned a whole new genre of entertainment that, if you think about it, is pretty much responsible for the entire Trump presidency. But you take the good, you take the bad, you take ‘em both and there you have…the wrong theme song stuck in your head. Ugh. Continue reading