I’m sorry, I know this is not popular opinion, but it’s a little real talk that you all need to hear: Better Call Saul is boring. Booooooring! There, I said it. Continue reading

I’m sorry, I know this is not popular opinion, but it’s a little real talk that you all need to hear: Better Call Saul is boring. Booooooring! There, I said it. Continue reading
Tonight’s SNL 40th Anniversary sent my DVR into haywire mode. Its first victim was Girls, which recorded a couple of hours later…on HBO Latino. Yeah. I don’t speak Spanish. But you know what? Not being able to understand a single word other than “si” or “pequeño” makes the show almost tolerable. And way easier to recap. Here goes nada:
After waiting I don’t know how long for a new season of The Walking Dead, viewers were subjected to a freshman year film school assignment submitted by a solid B student. Continue reading