
Hannah's SurpriseTonight’s SNL 40th Anniversary sent my DVR into haywire mode. Its first victim was Girls, which recorded a couple of hours later…on HBO Latino. Yeah. I don’t speak Spanish. But you know what? Not being able to understand a single word other than “si” or “pequeño” makes the show almost tolerable. And way easier to recap. Here goes nada:

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Girls Episode 10: Breaking Up and Breaking Down

Girls Season 2 Finale: Breaking Up and Breaking Down

Reprinted with permission from

Hannah is having some hearing problems following a brutal stabbing with a Q-tip. Googling “ruptured eardrum q-tip” leads to her posing dozens and dozens of medical questions to the Internet. Wait, I recognize this…it’s called procrastination. Continue reading

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Girls Episode 6: Devil Dogs and Hostess Heartbreaks

Girls Episode 6: Devil Dogs and Hostess Heartbreaks

Reprinted with permission from

Hannah is meeting with a writer about her essays. He tries to explain the business to her in terms of high and low—there’s the famous author who dips down into the muck of writing commentary about things that happen in the world, and then there are essayists who rise up out of the filth to the world of e-books.  Hannah is the latter of the two, and she is writing an e-book. Continue reading

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