The fifth season of RuePaul’s Drag Race starts off in spectacular fashion, with fourteen Queens battling it out for the top prize: Continue reading

The fifth season of RuePaul’s Drag Race starts off in spectacular fashion, with fourteen Queens battling it out for the top prize: Continue reading
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Last we left our earnest ingénues, Adam was off to the pokey and Hannah was spewing half-hearted apologies in his general direction. But this week we get a whole new Hannah wearing her least frumpy outfit for an interview at “Jazzhate,” a website about…the inappropriate uses of jazz hands? Whatever the case, it’s a writing gig and she’s hired. Continue reading
Because I’m a sucker for nostalgia, I decided to give The Carrie Diaries another try. But about five minutes into the second episode, I realized why this show is a giant heaping pile of dreck – the wardrobe department sucks. It’s like they’re not even trying. Continue reading
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It’s Heidi! And Tim! And…teams? This season, every challenge is a team challenge. It’s almost as if the producers brainstormed ways to make the designers even more miserable. After crossing “shopping at Mood blindfolded,” and “pants only” off of the list, they settled on “team challenges.” Continue reading
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Where were we? Right. Hannah’s gay-best-friend-turned-roommate, Elijah, had very brief and unpleasant sex with Hannah’s former-best-friend-and-former-roommate, Marnie. And for some reason, Elijah’s boyfriend, George, is pissed. Elijah, however, doesn’t understand why his little foray into ladybits doesn’t sit well with George. Meanwhile, Hannah is in her bedroom exercising in an outfit that nobody should own. Continue reading
Her hair. That’s not how people wore it in 1984. It’s just not big enough. Poof was king, and that involved lots of layers. And no one with a pink bedroom would have a Joy Division poster. Or, rather, no one with a Joy Division poster would be caught dead in a pink bedroom. Continue reading
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At the end of last season, Hannah and Adam were solidifying their relationship, which involved Adam breaking his leg. Now we find Hannah tending to an immobilized Adam and we remember why we dislike him so intensely—because he’s an awful, horrible, self-indulgent jerk. According to The World of Adam, when you love somebody, “you don’t have to be nice all the time.” Yes, but shouldn’t you at least try? Continue reading
This picture is deceptive. I don’t know why they put Sutton Foster in that stupid shirt.
Oh Bunheads, why do I love you so? Is it because, despite being an ABCFamily show, there is plentiful adult beverage consumption? Is it the super-quick pitter-patter of clever words? Is it Sutton Foster and her deeply ironic, non-diva, non-bubbly, but wonderfully, quixotically funny character? Continue reading
Soooo…. In your profile you are white, and weigh 100 lbs? And you think the guy you met online is who he says he is? Okkkkaaaaayyy….
Catfish, I assume, refers to bottom dwellers, so obviously it is the perfect name for an MTV show about people who meet (romantically?) online and then attempt to meet in real life. The dynamic is that at least one of the people is faking who they are. Apparently the ‘host’ Yaniv “Nev” Schulman made a documentary film about his own failed? deceptive? fraudulent? online relationship and has now turned the concept into a series.
Oh look, it’s 2013. And for Terrible Television, that means a full schedule of juicy new teevee shows just begging for some armchair quarterbacking (I’m looking at you, The Carrie Diaries). It also means a whole new…arrangement. That’s right, Terrible Television is headed for the big time, teaming up with other more, erm, established websites that will feature recapping by yours truly. And maybe DrunkMommy too, if she ever recovers from her New Year’s hangover.
So stay tuned, because it looks like 2013 is going to be a terrific year for Terrible Television!