MERRRRRGE! MERGE! MERGE! MERGE! The loved ones are reunited, the singles see a glimmer of hope, and everyone gorges on food because heaven forbid a Survivor contestant goes a day with the tummy rumbles. Continue reading

MERRRRRGE! MERGE! MERGE! MERGE! The loved ones are reunited, the singles see a glimmer of hope, and everyone gorges on food because heaven forbid a Survivor contestant goes a day with the tummy rumbles. Continue reading
I can’t concentrate on anything during this week’s Survivor except the impending visit from Jeff Probst. What will he ask the blue tribe for in exchange for food? While we wait for the wheeling and dealing to start, Dale presents a faux Immunity Idol to some key tribe mates on the orange tribe. Jon buys it because Jon is an idiot. Continue reading
Drop your BUFFS! Drop YOUR buffs! DROP your buffs! DROP your BUUUUUUUFFFFS! Yeah, it’s that episode of Survivor. Continue reading
Drew, noted Blue Tribe Climatologist, insists that a typhoon is headed their way so the tribe must reinforce the palm frond roof on their structure. Then, he takes a nap. In my several dozen years of watching Survivor, I have gained a bit of insight into the game and can say with a great deal of confidence that sleeping is never, ever, ever a good strategy. But this episode is not about Drew. It is about the orangey tribe’s three hundred pound simmering boil, John Rocker. Continue reading
It’s blue versus yellowish-orange, loved one versus mostly related, and person rotting on a beach in Nicaragua versus person rotting on a slightly different beach in Nicaragua. Continue reading
Welcome to Season Twenty Freaking Nine! of Survivor, a show that will always have a warm place in my heart, and that warmth is probably a sunburn. Continue reading
With Trish gone, there are four people left on the beach. And one of them is Tony. So, welcome to The Tony Show. Continue reading
So on Survivor, there’s this person? Named Jefra? And she got voted out? But nobody learned their lesson? Or at least that’s how I read the situation, from Tony’s point of view. Continue reading
With Jefra failing to make a big move and turn on Tony, she sealed her fate as Person Who Did Not Win Survivor. It also puts Tasha and Spencer in a tough spot since their alliance is now down to two sitting ducks. Continue reading