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Category Archives: Best Ink
Best Ink 209: True Love
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Two episodes left of Best Ink 2 (which airs on Oxygen on Wednesdays, 10/9C), and we’re down to Jerod, DJ, Teresa, and Alli, most of which are fantastic artists (*cough* not Alli). Continue reading
byBest Ink 208: Be Ready For Anything
We’re down to five tattoo artists on Best Ink 2 (which airs on Oxygen on Wednesdays, 10/9C), and there’s not a bad one in the batch. Except Alli, of course. Continue reading
byBest Ink 207 – Animated Ink
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After Tylor went on a “long-ass smoke break,” six artists of Best Ink 2 (which airs on Oxygen on Wednesdays, 10/9C) remain. They arrive at Universal Studios for their Flash Challenge and meet the guest judge, Miya Bailey, who is known for tattoos based off of comic book heroes. In one hour, they must draw up an action movie poster of a superhero of their own creation, including a cool name and a tag line. Continue reading
Best Ink Episode 206: I’m Sexy and I Know It
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The contestants on Best Ink 2 (which airs on Oxygen on Wednesdays, 10/9C) are brought to an airplane bone yard in the Mohave desert. Hannah Aitchison is the guest judge, and she is the master of classic airplane nose art. Continue reading
byBest Ink Episode 205: A Good Laugh
Best Ink Episode 204: Live Out Loud
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The artists of Best Ink 2 (which airs on Oxygen on Wednesdays, 10/9C) arrive at Paramount Recording Studios for a Flash Challenge. Guitars! Draw them like one of your French girls. Continue reading
Best Ink Season 2 Episode 3: There’s No “I” In Tattoo
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The contestants gather at the headquarters for Pastry Footwear, which is a sneaker line designed the offspring of hip hop moguls and this week’s guest judges, Angela and Vanessa Simmons. Continue reading
byBest Ink Episode 2: Secret Spelling Bees
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The contestants on Best Ink 2 (which airs on Oxygen on Wednesdays, 10/9C) gather in a nightclub to find out what their next challenge will be. Oh look, it’s Ray J. He’s the guest judge for the Flash Challenge. The artists have one hour to use glow in the dark paint to “set the secrets of this club on fire.” The winner of the challenge gets $15,000. Continue reading
Best Ink 2: Season Premiere
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Host Pete Wentz welcomes twelve contestants who will compete on Best Ink 2 for a $100,000 grand prize, and the cover and feature spread in Tattoo Magazine. Each week, one artist will win, and one artist will go home. So who are these lucky dozen needle-wielding artists? Continue reading