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Ryan Lochte has a dream. World peace. Ha, no. Ryan’s dream is to have his own apparel and accessory line. Continue reading

Reprinted with permission from
Ryan Lochte has a dream. World peace. Ha, no. Ryan’s dream is to have his own apparel and accessory line. Continue reading
What’s your favorite Rob Lowe character? Is it Sodapop Curtis from The Outsiders? Or that other rebel, Billy Hicks, from St. Elmo’s Fire? Or how about something a little darker, like Rob Lowe in Hotel New Hampshire? And although I’ve never seen The West Wing (What? I’ve been saving it for a rainy day), I hear he did a bang-up job on the Bartlet campaign. And do you watch Parks And Recreation? Because I hear he’s on that, too. You know what you’ll never hear? “Rob Lowe was terrific in that made-for-TV movie.” Why? Because a made-for-TV movie is, by definition, terrible television. Continue reading