Teen Wolf, Season 3, Ep. 16: Illuminated


On this week’s Teen Wolf, Isaac is afraid to go full wolfy because he is afraid of people with black masks, like a firefly. They flittered away because they weren’t after Isaac. No, they were after Chris Argent aka Allison’s dad.

Teen Wolf Illuminated Allison and Isaac and Chris Argent

A very handsome man (Agent McCall) wants to know if it’s a coincidence that Kira, Stiles, and Scott arrived at the power station at exactly the same time. The very handsome man knows that they are lying, but hasn’t yet figured out why. They all go to their respective homes, and Kira puts on her tightest white tank top to take selfies by candlelight, which I guess are spooky because she’s surrounded by streams of bright light.

Commercials, and now I know that MTV Unplugged is still a thing that happens, and the next one will feature Miley Cyrus. Something something something nothing will ever be Nirvana Unplugged blah blah blah.


Stiles drops his key and when he picks them up, he finds a key that was never there before. Ooh, mystery within a mystery! Lydia’s mother is teaching biology. And she is pissed at the new wolf pack wannabes because they are the bad guys. This is confusing, no?

Kira doesn’t want to talk about that time she zapped a million volts of electricity. She shows Scott that if you take a picture of her using the flash, you can see the electricity zipping around her. This means she needs to get her phone back from the police, and Scott is going to help her. He also recruits Stiles by telling him that there are naked pictures on the phone that Kira doesn’t want anyone to see. They sneak inside the police station because that’s super easy, but her phone is dead so she can’t just delete the photos. So Scott looks for a charger cable and of course there’s just the right kind even though it’s not an iPhone. Scott’s father shows up to the police station, so Stiles tries to stall him with a theory on the case. “Go home, son. There’s a curfew.” But it was just enough time to delete all of the photos, so mission accomplished. Scott then rides off on his motorbike thing with Kira on the back, and they go to a rave. Do kids still have raves? I had no idea.

Teen Wolf Illuminated Aiden and Lydia

Somewhere in a darkened room with only one measly lightbulb and no glow sticks, the wannabe wolf is attacked by an even snarlier beast. And somehow, Scott loses Kira in the rave crowd. He uses his red wolf eyes to find her, and she’s glowing with electricity.


Allison is there, too. She isn’t mad at Isaac, but she is sexually frustrated at him. Shirts come off, bodies get painted, and Lydia senses an evil presence at the rave. As if to emulate every horror movie on the planet, her solution is to run away to a remote location where nobody else can find her, except for the evil creature. It turns her into a…I’m not sure what…a comatose zombie?



Isaac has the number five on his ear which, weird! Lydia is found freezing outside. She says, “they came out of the dark!” Off in the distance someone goes full wolf snarl, and Scott hears the call. “Derek?”

Derek orders everyone out of the rave and the evil mask dudes turn on one of the twins. “Why are they all looking at me? Guys?” The wolves spring into action, but the evil creatures are too…evil. Plus, they have swords. “Somebody, do something!” Oh yeah, hon. No problem. Ha! Kira didn’t know about the wolf thing, but now she does, and apparently this all means “your dad’s twenty-four hours are up,” which means it is time to tell the pack that Argent knows something about these evil masked dudes.

Stiles’s key works on the door to a chemistry lab at the school, and he realizes he is the one that left the message on the blackboard to kill Kiera. Uh oh.

Reprinted from SurvivingCollege.com
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