There’s a lot to love about the new season of Arrested Development, starting with the fact that there is a new season. Here are a few of my favorite moments so far, with no real spoilers:
Episode 1: A Michael Episode
- I’m down to my last forgetmenow
- Buster’s gold plated, bedazzled hook
- The Peanuts music and the head hanging low as he walked past the door
Episode 2: A George Sr. Episode
- NLC: No Liability Corporation
- Halliburton Teen
- John Slattery: Oh Lizard! Look! A lizard!
- Lucille’s workaround the building’s strict no smoking policy
Episode 3: A Lindsay Episode
- Mall Mountain
- “I’m not a whore, I don’t get any of the money until after I do the disgusting thing.”
- James “I Don’t Sell” Carr(s)
- NINJA loan: No Income, No Jobs, No Assets.
- Suckled at her champagne glass breasts
- Lindsay and Tobias’s beds (Hooray for Tobias)
Episode 4: A Michael Episode
- Scott Baio and Henry Winkler, lawyering
- Ron Howard casting the Andy Griffith Show movie
- Ron Howard’s armpit sweat stains
- “Unless you’re looking or a Bob Mackie original….”
Episode 5: A Tobias Episode
- Tobias’s halter sarong with denim shorts underneath
- “But let’s be honest, Michael, for 2000 rupees we’d both go down on Matthew McConaughey”
- Billy Crystal Meth
Episode 6: A George Sr. Episode
- “I’m not a limo driver, I’m a gentleman honey farmer.”
- Lucille talking dirty to George Sr. is making me wretch
Episode 7: A Gob Episode
- and Jeremy Piven
- “My wedding’s going to be religiously epic and expensive which is why I need more of that stimmie money.”
- Tony Wonder!
- Feral Jesus
Episode 8: A Lindsay Episode
- “I think it’s just…not urine.”
- “How was beg?”
- “I’m for Lucille 2 4 Congres”
- “I’ll be out on parole by the time you work up a tear.”