Survivor, Episode 8: Skin of My Teeth

Survivor Episode 8 Challenge

It’s the last Survivor redemption island duel, and it’s a classic—hang onto a stick for as long as you can. John slips first and decides to remove his shoes without realizing that his socks are sweaty, slippery synthetic. He falls off of the stick, embarrassing all men everywhere. Then there were two Lauras on a stick, and the winning Laura was the one who is not Rupert’s wife. After stick clinging, the tribes SPOILER ALERT merged.

When Laura returned to camp, she was immediately whisked away by her daughter, Ciera. After the obligatory merge celebration, Ciera was all like, “You’re cramping my style, there must’ve been a reason they got rid of you so don’t ruin this good thing I have going, okay? Love you! Missed you!”

While Ciera was busy ostracizing her mother, Tyson was searching for the immunity idol with information obtained from Haydon. In what looked like thirty seconds, Tyson dug up his very first immunity idol. After noting that he probably stepped on it about twenty times, he vowed never to share it with anyone. Unless he had to.

Aras and Vytas are like the Wonder Twins, if one of the twins were a recovering heroin addict and the other was a castrated monk. But Tyson has a plan to get Aras out and shares his plan with Monica, who can’t keep her trap shut.

The first individual immunity challenge is a memory test. Barrel, crate, cannon, ship, compass, lantern. Monica is out. Caleb and Katie are out. Tyson and Tina are out. Haden is out. Seriously, what is wrong with them that they can’t remember five items in a row? Barrel, lantern, cannon, lantern, compass, barrel, canon. Laura is out. Ciera is out. Oh, those brothers are creeping me out The Shining-style. Gervase is out. Aras is out, and Vytas wins immunity in the laziest immunity challenge ever.

Survivor Episode 8 Skin Of My Teeth

Back at camp, all of the men are voting for Laura, and the women are voting for Ciera in case Laura has some magical immunity idol. Tyson totally called out Vytas and Aras at tribal council for being brothers, in case someone didn’t notice the resemblance. And, oh wow. Despite the clearly stated plan of action, Aras is voted out of the tribe. That was a major blindside, and so very necessary. So Aras is off to Redemption Island, and Vytas finally has something that he is better at than his brother.

Next week, it’s the disgusting food challenge.

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