Community Season 4 Premiere: History 10icecream

Community Season 4 Premiere: History 10Icecream

Reprinted with permission from

Confession time. I’ve never watched Community before today. I know, I know. It’s a really good show I think you’d like it you should definitely watch blah blah blah. And maybe Season Four isn’t the ideal starting point, so I promise to use two feet of snowed in goodness to catch up on past, and some would argue superior, seasons of Community. And in the meantime, think of this recap as a fresh perspective.

The show starts out like a low budget Saved By The Bell, complete with laugh track and applause from a can of audience. But don’t worry, it’s only a glimpse at the inside of Abed’s head. You see, it’s their last year of school, and Abed is a little freaked out at all of the changes. So Britta told him to go to a happy place in his mind which involves everyone wearing hipster reading glasses, and, well, this is Abed’s idea of happiness.

The entire school is attempting to register for the only history class offered that semester—History of Ice Cream. Appropriately, registration is on a “first come, first served” basis. Or, so they thought. Dean Pelton has different plans, and registration is based upon performance in a Hunger Gamesesque battle. Why? I’m not sure. But it probably has something to do with Jeff being two history credits away from graduating, and the dean being two strawberries short of a shortcake.

There’s a lot of hitting and running and punching and Chevy Chase is sitting on the sidelines desperately trying, but failing, to come up with a ball joke that’s marginally funnier than his talk show.

Meanwhile, Annie decides to do senioritis, and recruits Shirley as her partner-in-crime. After Shirley nixes several of Annie’s more subtle pranks, they decide to fill the dean’s car with popcorn. This involves wrapping the interior with tinfoil, pouring kernels into the car through the sunroof, and waiting for it to pop a la Jiffy Pop.

There’s something going on in Abed’s head that I don’t understand involving human Muppet Babies.

Britta and Troy have progressed to handholding and do some sort of ritual where they toss pennies into a fountain in exchange for wishes. Britta wishes for a great school year, but Troy has the forethought to wish for a thousand wishes and then gives some to Britta. She wastes one of them on wishing for an end to all wars, which Troy correctly points out is a bad thing because Star Wars, thumb wars, and Storage Wars. A fight ensues, and the wishing fountain turns a little wet-t-shirty.

There’s a tear-away dress and a tango, and a freshman mixer inside of Abed’s head. His anxiety about their final year is so acute that he is stuck in his happy place. Jeff snaps him out of it by giving a moving speech…in his head, Inception-style.

In the end, Jeff loses the competition for the only history class physically and intellectually lazy Americans would ever sign up for, but Dean Pelton offers another history class that semester so that Jeff can finally graduate. Oh, and Pelton bought the condo next door to Jeff, with absolutely no subtext.

Next week, Kevin returns with a bad case of Changnesia.

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