Community Episode 6: Changnesia, The Documentary

Community Episode 6: Changnesia, The Documentary


Reprinted with permission from

Chang•ne•sia [chang-‘n-zhuh]

Noun | Origin: Greek/Chinese

1. The complete loss of memory caused by a sudden trauma that was, itself, also forgotten.

2. See also: “Kevin’s Disease.”

Kevin is a Changnesiac. He remembers nothing. He doesn’t remember being hired as a Spanish teacher and then becoming a whole mess of other things before turning into Kevin. Britta has a theory that he used to be Kevin, went crazy, and then became Chang. So if he hits his head again, he’ll rebecome Kevin.

Clearly the best thing to do in a situation like this is to use it as a fundraiser for the school, so Dean Pelton tries to get a McGovern Institute grant to fight the disease, and also pay for the documentary to fight the disease. “This needs to be the Hoop Dreams of things people care about.” Oh, and Abed’s shooting the documentary.

Jeff thinks Kevin is fine, except for him being a lunatic. Shirley agrees, yet hired him to work at her cafeteria kitchen. “Welcome to Shirley’s sandwiches where the food is Kevinly.” I’m still a little fuzzy on the details, but apparently Kevin tried to kill everyone. Jeff wants to expose Chang in front of the whole school to show his friends how gullible they really are, because that’s what friends do for each other.

Jeff suggests Chevy Chase host the reception for the McGovern Institute. He puts Annie and Troy on the case of finding out what happened to Kevin before he got to Greendale, while Britta and Shirley are going to follow Chang around with a camera and record every moment of his life. And Chevy Chase is going to host the event with a racist hand puppet. Wait, two racist hand puppets.

Annie and Troy’s investigation takes them to a trout farm. Turns out the fish farmer used Kevin as unpaid manual labor for months before naming him after his dog, Kevin, and driving him into town.

Jeff is sure that Chang will slip up at some point because he’s not smart enough to play dumb. Luckily, Shirley and Britta’s camera catches Chang making a phone call.

At the reception, Jeff brings in former Mrs. Ben Chang, to show everyone that Kevin is lying about his Changnesia. Kevin does not remember her, but somehow he was dialing her phone number, repeatedly, and hanging up. He explains that it was instinctual, and the school received its grant, and Jeff is persona non grata.

Kevin is the bigger man and wants to start over fresh with Jeff, and they shake on it over cafeteria trays so it’s definitely official. Later it is revealed that Chang really is messing with everyone and has an evil plan that involves maniacal laughter, so that should be fun.

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