Community Episode 12: FroYo PopPop

Community Episode 12: FroYo Pop Pop

Reprinted with permission from
Abed is asking lots of questions. Lots of…strange questions. “Shirley, did you ever date Roger Ebert? Britta, did you ever take pictures of your feet and post them on the Internet for money?” He’s studying history. Community history. And everyone is connected.

Their story begins in 2008. Annie flirts with Troy in high school, but he doesn’t have time for her nerdling ways because he’s being recruited for football. Abed finds a receipt in Shirleys sock drawer that shows that they were both at the mall at the same time. Britta runs into Jeff at the courthouse with her anarchist group, but Jeff is a lawyer. They fist-bump over a woman’s right to use her body however she wants, which they are both interpreting in very different ways. Jeff is at the courthouse to defend a stripper, Misty, who happens to be the woman Shirley’s husband cheated on her with, and “if it weren’t for Jeff that Jezebel would’ve been in jail instead of between my Laura Ashley sheets!” And, it was that very same high profile case of The State v. Misty that caused a jealous coworker to reveal that Jeff never received his undergraduate degree.

High school Troy fake injures himself doing a keg flip, which is like a keg stand but with bonus style points, to relieve the pressure of dealing with recruiters. He blames this on Annie, who is popping a lot of Focusin pills. Annie goes bonkers when Troy gets the Most Likely To Succeed award instead of her, and he insults her by not knowing who she is, which causes her to run through a plate glass window and inspires the catch phrase “pop pop.”

At the mall, Abed ruins Star Wars for Shirley’s kids by telling them that prequels are stupid. Which they are, but still. Then, Abed and Annie converge at Annie’s therapist’s office, which makes Abed’s the super villain. Jeff realizes that they’ve all made some really bad decisions, but insists that he is the true super villain because after Misty douses herself in glitter, Jeff encourages her to pursue Shirley’s husband.

Everyone gets so depressed that they leave to study at home. Abed goes to the mall and consoles himself with an oversized yogurt and too many toppings. Jeff and Shirley show up to make amends. Then Britta, Annie, and Troy. They all just really wanted yogurt. And, it’s where everybody was when deciding to go to Greendale based upon the very enticing flyers handed out by none other than Kevin Chang. It’s also where Dean Pelton realizes that he enjoys women’s lingerie. Well, wearing women’s lingerie. And there’s Chevy Chase, breaking the yogurt machine and faking a heart attack.

Maybe they were really all meant to be together. Or maybe they all just really like frozen yogurt. It’s hard to tell. Finally, Abed finds Chang in a heating vent in the study room and lets him know that he is the reason everyone went to Greendale. This means Chang has always been one of them, and Abed invites him for frozen yogurt. Which is all Chang ever wanted. Chang then stops trying to kill everyone, so disaster averted.

Next week, it’s graduation on the season finale.

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