Brooklyn Nine-Nine: Pontiac Bandit

Recap: Brooklyn Nine-Nine: Pontiac Bandit

On this week’s Brooklyn Nine-Nine: Welcome Back Boyle! Getting shot in the butt means two things—a butt cast, and a scooter. And if there’s one thing I know about a butt cast, it’s that no pants in the world will fit over them. Thankfully Boyle’s mom lent him her leg warmers, so problem solved.

Brooklyn Nine-Nine pontiac bandit

Rosa’s catch of the day is the subtly hilarious Craig Robinson who is in on a dozen counts on identity theft. And he wants to speak to John or Jack Peralta, which is close enough. Craig Robinson has info about the Pontiac Bandit thanks to his former career in a chop shop where he did a lot of work for a dude named Bill who stole Pontiacs. Jake has been chasing the Pontiac Bandit for eight years, so this could be his big break.

Boyle’s scooter backing up is going to be a thing, huh? Because that noise isn’t annoying at all. But everyone has to put up with him because getting shot in the ass in the line of duty is a very brave thing. But being nice to Boyle is going to require a heck of a lot of fortitude.

Captain Holt’s dogs, Cheddar and Karate, had relations. Relations make puppies, and now the Captain needs to find those puppies a good home. So he tries to give them to Amy because puppies! Squee! But she is allergic, so he takes them back before her throat closes up. Next is Terry. Maybe he’d like them for his twins, Cagney and Lacey? No dice. Puppies!

Rosa has been chasing Craig Robinson for a month, but Jake has been chasing the Pontiac Bandit for eight years. So who gets the suspect? Jake, who promises Rosa a thousand pushups if he’s wrong. Which is a lot of pushups. I know, because I once tried to do three (the girl kind) and failed miserably.

brooklyn nine-nine welcome back boyle

Craig Robinson’s mom thinks he runs an architecture firm with all white employees, so Jake begs Rosa to take his cuffs off so that he can get his phone out of his bedroom. He introduces Rosa as his girlfriend, and Jake as Mangy Carl, his personal assistant.

Gina can’t take Boyle anymore and hides upstairs where his scooter can’t go. When Amy loses her ring trying to fish a highlighter out of Boyle’s butt cast, she joins Gina in her hiding spot. But because Gina live tweets their afternoon in exile which gives their location away to the rest of the precinct who join them in their hiding spot. Captain Holt is pissed, but it’s hard to give a tough man speech when you’re holding a puppy under each arm. The only real solution is to give the puppies to Boyle. Aww.

Jake texts the Pontiac Bandit for a meet-up and his thumbs move so fast that Craig Robinson wants to keep him as his assistant. Then they bond over laser discs while waiting for the Pontiac Bandit to text back. He does, but before they meet him at Flatbush and Vanderbilt, Craig Robinson dresses Jake up like a Boyz II Men Easter album.

brooklyn nine-nine

Uh oh. Plan, foiled. Since the Pontiac Bandit has not heard from Craig Robinson in a while, he sends his lackey to meet him to make sure everything is still cool. Which it’s not, because there’s Rosa and one-third of Boyz II Men. Craig Robinson has to go in alone. Jake tells Rosa to wire Craig Robinson, get a tactical team behind him, and send him in alone. Rosa refuses, Jake ups it to two thousand pushups andquotes Die Hard, and that’s that, sans rocket choppers.

The wire works, but what the heck is Craig Robinson talking about? Cars, cars, blah, blah, blah, cars, cars, cars. Rosa sends in the backup and finds an Asian man with a scissor, mousse, and a cadre of combs. Craig Robinson was getting his hair cut…which makes Craig Robinson the Pontiac Bandit! And he’s gone. In a Pontiac Thunderbird.

It’s push up time, and two thousand is a lot more than one thousand.

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