Face Off Season 5, Episode 2: Future Frankenstein

Reprinted with permission from www.redesignrevolution.com

The next Face Off Spotlight Challenge begins at the House Of Horrors at Universal Studios. Frankenstein! Frankie! Frank. Franklin. Frankenberries. The contestants are split into teams of three and will have three days to create a future Frankenstein and his bride. The teams are:

  • Alana, Laney, and Laura
  • Eddie, Miranda, and Sam
  • Scott, Adolfo and Roy
  • Frank, Eric, and Rick
  • RJ, Lyma, and Tate

The guest this week is the creator of the Underworld franchise, Kevin Grevioux. He will look at the final creations and provide obvious advice like, “create something unique.”

Rick, Eric, and Frank concoct a pair of Frankensteins whose hands survive a plane crash. Alana, Laney, and Laura are three hundred years into the future. Eddie, Miranda, and Sam bicker over nanotechnology. RJ, Tate, and Lyma think about nuclear explosions where the only survivors are Mr. and Mrs. Frankenstein. Roy, Scott, and Adolfo place Frankenstein in one century and his bride in another.

Sculpting, molding, setting, releasing, and…cracking. Michael Westmore visits the workroom to offer advice. He thinks Alana’s hand-holding battery charging pack is cool. When it comes to exposed brains, he cautions Roy that it might be too commonplace for the Frankenstein genre. Meanwhile, Miranda’s nose breaks off in the cast. Ouch, that’s going to leave a mark. But no worries, Eddie pastes it back on with epoxy in the worst game of Got Your Nose ever.

It’s the last day of the challenge, also known as Application Day, and there’s still a ton of work to be done. Lyma and Tate have two totally different painting styles which leads to bickering. As the deadline approaches, other contestants join in the squabbling. Just as time is called, Eddie realizes that he forgot to put the bolts on the head. Oopsie?

Ve Neill, Glenn Hetrick, and Kevin Grevioux are the judges for this week’s Spotlight Challenge.

Syfy Face Off Season 5 Episode 2 - Future Frankenstein - Spotlight Challenge - Laura, Alana, Laney 2Syfy Face Off Season 5 Episode 2 - Future Frankenstein - Spotlight Challenge - Laura, Alana, Laney 1

Laney, Alana, and Laura’s monsters look gruesome but predictable.

Syfy Face Off Season 5 Episode 2 - Future Frankenstein - Spotlight Challenge - Miranda, Sam, Eddie 2

Syfy Face Off Season 5 Episode 2 - Future Frankenstein - Spotlight Challenge - Miranda, Sam, Eddie 1

Eddie, Miranda, and Sam did an amazing job getting their characters’ faces toxic and puffy.

Syfy Face Off Season 5 Episode 2 - Future Frankenstein - Spotlight Challenge - Roy, Scott, Aldofo 1Syfy Face Off Season 5 Episode 2 - Future Frankenstein - Spotlight Challenge - Roy, Scott, Aldofo 2

Scott, Adolfo, and Roy present blah blahness that looks poorly constructed.

Syfy Face Off Season 5 Episode 2 - Future Frankenstein - Spotlight Challenge - Eric, Rick & Frank 2Syfy Face Off Season 5 Episode 2 - Future Frankenstein - Spotlight Challenge - Eric, Rick & Frank 1

Rick, Eric, and Frank didn’t do much at all to their bride or to Frankenstein’s body.

Syfy Face Off Season 5 Episode 2 - Future Frankenstein - Spotlight Challenge - Tate, RJ & Lyma 1Syfy Face Off Season 5 Episode 2 - Future Frankenstein - Spotlight Challenge - Tate RJ & Lyma 2

Tate, RJ, and Lyma’s monsters are artistic and unique.

Alana, Laura, and Laney explain their power source concept. The judges like their work, especially the paint job. Sam, Eddie, and Miranda are next. They say something about experimental mind control, and the judges aren’t buying it (though I really like the mushy, puffy faces poking out of black leathery face masks). Roy, Adolfo, and Scott describe a cryolab love story. The judges are impressed with the concept, but their Frankenstein character is top-heavy and the bride is wishy-washy. RJ, Lyma, and Tate talk about something having to do with a war and Adam and Eve. The judges question the anatomy of their characters and criticize the airbrushy painting (which, again, I kind of like). Frank, Rick, and Eric are last. Their story is something about a crash and reanimated hands. The judges criticize Frankenstein’s random chin piece and note the missing rivets around his head. But overall, the two characters work well together.

The top team is Alana, Laney, and Laura. Meh. They didn’t do anything I haven’t seen before, but I suppose they did it better than the other teams. The winner of the challenge is Alana because of her work on the bride’s face.

Syfy Face Off Season 5 Episode 2 - Future Frankenstein - Spotlight Challenge Winner - Alana, Larua, Laney

Sam, Eric, and Lyma are up for elimination, and the rest of the contestants are safe. Lyma’s paint job is too harsh and unrealistic, Eric’s eye sculpting is awful and he forgot the rivets, and Sam’s face is oddly shaped and the hands were unfinished. Sam is eliminated, and the other two are safe to sculpt another day.

Next week, a double elimination challenge.

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